GSoC'24 Week 1 & 2 Progress: Building a Cross-Validation Framework in Octave

In the past two weeks, I have been working on enhancing the statistics package for GNU Octave by implementing a cross-validation framework for classification models. The focus has been on implementing a 'crossval' method in the 'ClassificationKNN' class and creating a ‘ClassificationPartitionedModel’ class and a ‘kfoldPredict’ method. Together, these provide a solid foundation for cross-validation in Octave. This blog will walk you through the progress, challenges, and solutions implemented. 

Cross-validation is a method used to evaluate and improve the performance of machine learning models. It is essential in classification models, where the goal is to categorize data into predefined classes. Cross-validation helps assess how well a model will generalize to an independent dataset, which is critical for ensuring its robustness and reliability.

The process involves partitioning the dataset into a set of folds, training the model on some folds, and then validating it on the remaining fold. This cycle is repeated until each fold has been used as a validation set. This method provides a comprehensive evaluation as it tests the model on multiple subsets of the data.

To start, I focused on setting up the ‘ClassificationPartitionedModel’ class. This class is designed to handle cross-validation for classification models. The constructor for ‘ClassificationPartitionedModel’ was implemented to initialize the properties and to train the models on k-1 folds while reserving 1 fold for validation. This involved handling different types of classification models, with the initial implementation focusing on ClassificationKNN. Here's a breakdown of the constructor:
  • Initialization of Basic Properties: The constructor initializes fundamental properties like X, Y, ClassNames, Cost, CrossValidatedModel, KFold, ModelParameters, NumObservations, Partition, PredictorNames, Prior, ResponseName, and Trained.
  • Training Initialization: The constructor initializes the training process by setting up the partition object for cross-validation and preparing a cell array to store the trained models.
  • Model Training Loop: The constructor iterates over each fold, creating training and validation sets, training the model on the training set, and storing the trained model.
  • Object Construction: Finally, the constructor creates the ClassificationPartitionedModel object with the initialized properties and the trained models.

Ensuring compatibility with various types of models and handling their specific parameters was one of the main challenges. The solution was to create a flexible constructor that dynamically adjusts based on the model type and parameter provided. 

Next, I implemented the 'crossval' method in the ‘ClassificationKNN’ class. This method sets up the partitioning for k-fold cross-validation and creates an instance of ‘ClassificationPartitionedModel.’ Here's a breakdown of the 'crossval' method:
  • Input Parsing: The method parses input arguments to retrieve cross-validation parameters like the number of folds (KFold).
  • Partition Object Creation: It creates a partition object to define the training and validation splits for k-fold cross-validation.
  • Model Parameters and Initialization: The method initializes the model parameters structure and a cell array to store the models trained on each fold. 
  • Training Loop: It iterates over each fold, setting up training and validation indices, and trains the model on the training set for each fold. The trained models are stored in the cell array.
  • Cross-Validation Model Creation: Finally, the method creates and returns an instance of the ‘ClassificationPartitionedModel’ class, initialized with the partitioned data and the trained models,

The next step was implementing the ‘kfoldPredict’ method. This method predicts responses for observations that are not used for training in a cross-validated classification model. Here's a breakdown of the implementation:
  • Prediction Initialization: The method initializes a prediction vector label based on the type of Y.
  • Score and Cost Matrices: Initializes matrices for storing classification scores and costs.
  • Model Prediction Loop: Iterates over each fold, predicting the class labels, scores, and costs for the held-out validation set.
  • Result Aggregation: Aggregates the predictions from all folds to form the final result.

Comprehensive tests were implemented to validate the functionality, including:
  • It ensures the correct initialization of the 'ClassificationPartitionedModel' object. 
  • Validating the 'kfoldPredict' and 'crossval' output against expected results.
Here is a simple demonstration using the fisheriris dataset:

load fisheriris
x = meas;
y = species;
## Create a KNN classifier model
obj = fitcknn (x, y, "NumNeighbors",  5, "Standardize",  1);
## Perform cross-validation 
cvMdl = crossval (obj, 'KFold', 5);
## Predict the class labels for the observations not used for training
[label, score, cost] = kfoldPredict (cvMdl);

You can see the implementations here.

Significant progress has been made in implementing a cross-validation framework for classification models in Octave. The 'ClassificationPartitionedModel' class and 'kfoldPredict' method, along with the 'crossval' method in 'ClassificationKNN', provide a strong foundation for further enhancements and integrations.

Suggestions and feedback are welcome 😃.


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